Basic data
objid specobjid mjd plate fiberid
587722981739200613 80161987455090688 51943 284 139
ra dec z zerr zconf spectrum_snr
177.95522 -1.12930 0.138 0.000 0.886 15.133
SDSS object page   Complete object RCSED data (VOTable)   FITS spectrum (incl. continuum model)

Search this object in: DECaLS UKIDSSSimbad 2'Vizier 20"XMM-NewtonCADC CAOM VOTableHyperLedaNED
  FUV NUV u g r i z Y J H K
mag 20.734 19.936 18.984 17.840 17.267 16.874 16.665 16.171 16.086 15.748 15.841
err 0.054 0.025 0.070 0.014 0.010 0.011 0.031 0.023 0.033 0.026 0.039
k-corr 0.025 -0.036 0.083 0.068 -0.007 -0.072 -0.006 0.048 -0.074 0.001 -0.268
3-arcsec aperture
mag 22.623 22.211 20.531 19.430 18.654 18.219 17.929 17.435 17.154 16.901 16.882
err 0.180 0.086 0.053 0.012 0.008 0.008 0.019 0.013 0.014 0.011 0.015
k-corr 0.046 0.029 0.124 0.199 0.050 0.003 0.021 0.082 -0.074 -0.005 -0.270
Fully corrected SED in 11 bands for SDSS J115149.25-010745.4 (objid=587722981739200613) galaxy Fully corrected SED in 11 bands for SDSS J115149.25-010745.4 (objid=587722981739200613) galaxy at redshift 0.1380. Blue and red symbols represent total (Petrosian) and 3-arcsec fiber magnitudes correspondingly. The rest framed SDSS spectrum is overplotted and demonstrates a typical good agreement with the corrected fiber magnitudes for that galaxy. The inset shows an 36x36 arcsec optical SDSS false color image.
Emission lines
[O II] λ3727 Hγ λ4340 Hβ λ4861 [O III] λ4959 [O III] λ5007 [O I] λ6300 [N II] λ6548 Hα λ6563 [N II] λ6583 [S II] λ6716 [S II] λ6731
Gaussian fit (χ2 = 0.61) , in units of 10-17 erg/s/cm2
flux 70.03 48.19 111.24 12.73 28.74 17.88 64.07 501.39 184.92 80.00 50.07
err 8.07 5.77 6.11 5.96 6.67 4.14 4.77 6.75 5.60 6.43 5.45
S/N 8.68 8.35 18.20 2.14 4.31 4.32 13.44 74.31 33.02 12.44 9.19
Non-parametric fit (χ2 = 0.60) , in units of 10-17 erg/s/cm2
flux 71.03 48.40 111.42 12.53 28.68 17.91 61.97 502.81 183.77 79.62 49.44
err 15.05 13.17 15.09 15.64 17.18 13.55 18.05 18.56 20.11 21.07 16.70
S/N 4.72 3.68 7.38 0.80 1.67 1.32 3.43 27.09 9.14 3.78 2.96
Nbursts full spectrum fitting for SDSS J115149.25-010745.4 (objid=587722981739200613) galaxy spectrum together with the emission lines fitting Nbursts full spectrum fitting for SDSS J115149.25-010745.4 (objid=587722981739200613) galaxy spectrum together with the emission lines fitting (gaussian model). Central panel shows an observed galaxy spectrum (black), the best fitting template (red) and residuals (blue). The observed and rest-frame wavelength are shown in the bottom and top of the plot respectively. Panels on the sides demonstrate recovered profiles after the continuum subtraction of individual emission lines (black) and the best-fitting models (red). Blue lines show emission line flux uncertainties. Vertical red dashed lines represent the galaxy redshift in the SDSS database. See also this spectrum with best-fit models in the interactive spectrum viewer.
E(B-V) 12+logO/H1 12+logO/H1 err 12+logO/H2, 3 12+logO/H2, 3 err low 12+logO/H2, 3 err high
Value 0.45 9.11 0.03 9.09 0.04 0.02
Stellar populations
Radial velocity, km/s Velocity dispersion, km/s Age or exp-tau, Myr Metallicity, dex
Simple stellar population (SSP) fit (χ2 = 0.542)
Value 41326.40 138.62 1683 -0.45
Error 14.41 16.35 184 0.21
Exponentially declining SFH (exp-SFH) fit (χ2 = 0.584)
Value 41361.70 140.03 20275 -0.22
Error 10.76 12.15 -0 0.09
BPT diagram for SDSS J115149.25-010745.4 (objid=587722981739200613) galaxy
Position of SDSS J115149.25-010745.4 (objid=587722981739200613) galaxy (shown as a star) on the BPT diagram with the color coded Hα equivalent width. Two or more stars mean that there are several spectra for this galaxy in the database. Here we display in the background only those galaxies from RCSED catalog where all emission lines used in the plot have signal-to-noise ratio S/N > 3. The contours correspond to the galaxy density smoothed with a moving average based on a 4-pixels window. The number of galaxies kept in the sample is indicated on the top left. The full and dashed lines correspond to starforming and transitional galaxies in Kewley et al. (2006).
Galaxy Zoo morphology
ra dec nvote p_el p_cw p_acw p_edge p_dk
177.95521 -1.12931 59 0.492 0.051 0.051 0.203 0.119
p_mg p_cs p_el_debiased p_cs_debiased spiral elliptical uncertain
0.085 0.305 0.152 0.537 ? ? 1